
Showing 1-5 of 5
Journal Article
Grunenfelder, Julia, and Carolin Schurr. "Intersectionality - A challenge for development research and practice?." Development in Practice 25, no. 6 (2015): 771-784.
Journal Article
Torres, Jada Benn, Miguel G Vilar, Gabriel A Torres, Jill B Gaieski, Ricardo Bharath Hernandez, Zoila E Browne, Marlon Stevenson, Wendell Walters, Theodore G Schurr, and Genographic Consortium. "Genetic Diversity in the Lesser Antilles and Its Implications for the Settlement of the Caribbean Basin." PloS one 10, no. 10 (2015).
Aryeetey, Cecilia, Fabian Barthel, Matthias Busse, Carolin Loehr, and Robert Osei. Empirical study on the determinants and pro-development impacts of foreign direct investment in Ghana. Hamburg, Germany: German Ministry for Economic Cooperation, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tischtau, Carolin. "Urban agriculture projects: case study in the cities of Windhoek, Namibia and Berlin, Germany.." Master of Science, University of Namibia, 2013.
Book Section
Belcore, Elena, Angela Calvo, Carolin Canessa, and Alessandro Pezzoli. "Renewing Local Planning to Face Climate Change in the Tropics." A Methodology for the Vulnerability Analysis of the Climate Change in the Oromia Region, Ethiopia (2017).
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